Take time out to ‘rest, relax and renew’ is the mantra of Dr Dee Gray and her host of wellbeing professionals at Grays Wellbeing

Renowned as an international expert in stress management and resilience, Dee leads the research and design in wellbeing programmes that quite literally focus on you becoming your ‘best self’. Being your ‘best self’ is a subject that Grays Wellbeing knows a lot about, so much so that Dee’s work is regularly published in international journals and conferences. You can check out the depth and breadth of knowledge of Grays Wellbeing online.

All of the programmes, events and workshops that Grays Wellbeing provide are holistic; they take into account who you as an individual and all of the facets that connect to this, including you and your work and you and your environment. Dee and her team take time to discover how all of your experiences provide the nourishment towards a more meaningful and happy future, they make sure time stands still so you can catch your breath, check in with where you are and see where it is you need to go.

Grays Wellbeing has a track record of working with professionals who have demanding and challenging roles, yet may struggle in taking the first step in taking time for themselves. Time management can be tricky so they also offer e-learning programmes too.

Grays Wellbeing have in 2020 designed the most in-depth, nurturing and energising three day residential programme, that will take place in Foxhills in Cheshire; as part of your programme you can expect individual bespoke attention from the team, to ensure that when you arrive with them in August, you are fully prepared for change.

Any questions you would like to ask? Simply email Dee at graysworks100@gmail.com