The transformative power of technology on businesses across Wales will be put in the spotlight at an Innovation Conference at the Glyndŵr University’s OpTIC Technology Centre next month.
Organised by the Welsh Opto-Electronics Forum, it will allow people to discover more about – the Centre for Photonics Expertise (CPE), the Advanced Sustainable Manufacturing Technologies (ASTUTE 2020) and the Solar Photovoltaic Academic Research Consortium (SPARC II).
These operations are funded by the Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) under European Regional Development Funding (ERDF) scheme.
Director of the OpTIC Technology Centre, Caroline Gray, said: “The event here at our centre in St Asaph will offer attendees the chance to hear from businesses who are already working with these cutting-edge projects in Wales – and find out how they can benefit from joint collaborative research and development with academic institutions to address their business challenges and to transform their operations.
“The day offers the chance to hear from each project about the work they are doing with industry, researchers, and Government – and more importantly how these projects could support your business.”
CPE aims to accelerate business growth by working with a diverse range of industries in supporting the development of processes, products with photonic technology based solutions.
SPARC II works to build capacity in solar photovoltaic research, building partnerships whose work will lead to improved and innovative technology. The project’s ultimate goal is to solve technology challenges which face Welsh industry – leading to new manufacturing and supply opportunities.
Finally, ASTUTE 2020 is a demand-led project guided by industry needs. Working in collaboration with companies of all sizes, it aims to help businesses discover and harness advanced materials technology, computational engineering modelling or manufacturing systems engineering and, in the process, embrace Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution.
Caroline added: “The common mission of these operations is to engage with industries – and the Innovation Conference will give the attendees the opportunity to explore further how and which programme could support their business.”
The Innovation Conference will be taking place on Thursday, March 5 at the OpTIC Centre, St Asaph – which is easily accessible off junction 26 of the A55.
For more information and to book your place, visit the event page below: