An aspiring performing artist has secured a part in an eagerly anticipated upcoming play.
Gabriel Speakman, a Year 8 pupil at Rydal Penrhos, recently auditioned for the Chester Passion Play, which in now in its third year and takes place on Good Friday to kick-off the Easter weekend festivities in the city.
The pupil was thrilled to learn that he secured a role in the production, beating out a wealth of other hopefuls to attain a character part as a ‘youth’.
This represents a significant achievement for Gabriel, who is sure to benefit enormously from the experience.
He was part of the sensational Rydal Penrhos Dramatic Society production of Les Misérables last year and took the stage at Theatr Clwyd in Mold as part of the Suitcase Theatre production of ‘A Wounded Peace’ cast.
The Drama and Sports scholar has also achieved a considerable amount in academic subjects and in areas such as rugby, swimming and cross-country.
The collaborative project between Chester Mystery Plays, Theatre in the Quarter and Churches Together sees the groups produce a dramatised ‘Way of the Cross’ in the streets of Chester City Centre.
The performance starts at the Eastgate Street clock with Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem and the Last Supper at the Cross, processing towards Town Hall Square for Gethsemane and the Trial, finishing at the West door of the Cathedral with the Crucifixion.