The Governing Body of Coleg Cambria has appointed Yanina Williams to the position of CEO.
Currently CEO/Principal of Hugh Baird College Liverpool, she was educated at both primary and secondary school level in Mold, and completed her A level studies at the former Deeside College.
Ms Williams was a former senior manager at Deeside College, prior to becoming a Vice Principal of Blackburn College, and for the last seven years has been at Hugh Baird College.
John Clutton, Chair of Governors at Coleg Cambria, which has sites in Deeside, Wrexham, Northop and Llysfasi, said: “We are pleased to have secured the appointment of Yanina Williams as the CEO of Coleg Cambria after a national search and rigorous interview process.
“Yanina has strong connections with both the area and the college and has successfully led Hugh Baird College for the last seven years, serving both learners and the region with distinction.
“She is a commanding figure in the UK FE sector and on the national stage and has a strong commitment to partnership working and stakeholder engagement. She will bring a wealth of experience and expertise to Coleg Cambria and ensure the ongoing success of our learners and staff as well as making a significant contribution to the economic development of our region.”
Yanina Williams said: “I am delighted to be given the opportunity to take up the role of Chief Executive of Coleg Cambria.
“The college is outstanding and I hope to help shape and develop it into a new era reinforcing its culture and building on its strengths to enhance the reputation of Welsh Colleges across the educational sector.”
David Jones OBE, current CEO who will step down on December 31 2019 added: “I was very pleased to hear that the Board have decided to appoint Yanina Williams.
“She was a colleague when I first became a Principal, and was a key member of the team that delivered the UK’s best set of inspection outcomes in 2007.
“She will inherit a great team of staff at Cambria, and I’m sure she will lead the college to further improvement, recognition and success. I wish Yanina every luck in her new role.”
Visit for more on Coleg Cambria.
Penodi Prif Weithredwr Coleg Cambria
Mae Corff Llywodraethol Coleg Cambria wedi penodi Yanina Williams i swydd Prif Weithredwr.
Addysgwyd Yanina Williams, sydd ar hyn o bryd yn Brif Weithredwr/Pennaeth Coleg Hugh Baird Lerpwl, ar lefel ysgol gynradd ac uwchradd yn yr Wyddgrug, a chwblhaodd ei hastudiaethau Safon Uwch yng nghyn Goleg Glannau Dyfrdwy. Bu hi’n Uwch Reolwr yng Ngholeg Glannau Dyfrdwy, cyn dod yn Is-Bennaeth Coleg Blackburn ac am y saith mlynedd diwethaf yn Brif Weithredwr/Pennaeth yng Ngholeg Hugh Baird.
Dywedodd John Clutton, Cadeirydd Llywodraethwyr Coleg Cambria:
“Rydym yn falch ein bod wedi sicrhau penodiad Yanina Williams yn Brif Weithredwr Coleg Cambria ar ôl chwilio’n genedlaethol a phroses gyfweld drylwyr. Mae gan Yanina gysylltiadau cryf â’r ardal a’r coleg ac mae wedi arwain Coleg Hugh Baird yn llwyddiannus am y saith mlynedd diwethaf, gan wasanaethu dysgwyr a’r rhanbarth gyda rhagoriaeth. Mae hi’n ffigwr blaenllaw yn y sector AB yn y DU ac ar y llwyfan cenedlaethol ac mae ganddi ymrwymiad cryf i weithio mewn partneriaeth ac ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid. Bydd yn dod â chyfoeth o brofiad ac arbenigedd i Goleg Cambria ac yn sicrhau llwyddiant parhaus ein dysgwyr a’n staff yn ogystal â gwneud cyfraniad sylweddol i ddatblygiad economaidd ein rhanbarth ”.
Dywedodd Yanina Williams:
“Rwy’n falch iawn o gael y cyfle i ymgymryd â rôl Prif Weithredwr Coleg Cambria. Mae’r coleg yn rhagorol a gobeithiaf helpu i’w siapio a’i ddatblygu i oes newydd gan atgyfnerthu ei ddiwylliant ac adeiladu ar ei gryfderau i wella enw da colegau Cymru ar draws y sector addysgol. “
Ychwanegodd David Jones OBE, Prif Weithredwr cyfredol Coleg Cambria a fydd yn camu i lawr ar 31 Rhagfyr 2019,
“Roeddwn yn falch iawn o glywed bod y Bwrdd wedi penderfynu penodi Yanina Williams. Roedd hi’n gydweithiwr pan ddeuthum yn Bennaeth am y tro cyntaf, ac roedd yn aelod allweddol o’r tîm a gyflwynodd set orau’r DU o ganlyniadau arolygu yn 2007. Byddyn etifeddu tîm gwych o staff yn Cambria, ac rwy’n siŵr y bydd hi’n arwain y coleg at welliant, cydnabyddiaeth a llwyddiant pellach. Rwy’n dymuno pob lwc i Yanina yn ei rôl newydd “.
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